The EU is going straight to the source!

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The EU Court of Justice operates a substantial language access process. With over 600 lawyer-linguists staffed internally and managed by Directorate-General, the courts still outsource one-third of its translation and interpretation work to freelance translators and interpreters. So as of December 16th, 2016, the courts issued an invitation to bid for a new framework contract worth about €6 million. However, language service providers (LSPs) need not apply! With the EU Court of Justice running such a large operation, why would they want to take on the burden to manage it themselves? Going straight to the source and cutting out the middleman is a characteristic of cost cutting, however, certain precautions must be taken in order for these cost cuts to be worth this extra burden.

Now, this is all well and good for the EU courts, but they must adopt a system to effectively manage the direct relationship with these translators and interpreters. What was previously managed by the Language Service Providers (LSPs) must now be managed by the EU Court of Justice internally. To do so effectively they will need a system to manage the freelance translators and interpreters, ensure that approved linguists meet any compliance and certification requirements and have processes in place to streamline the accounts payable and accounts receivable. Interpreter Intelligence is a system that streamlines all of these processes and allows an organization to easily access and update all their customer and client information and centrally manage all their bookings in a single secure and convenient platform. The Intelligence Scheduling System is a system that has helped numerous organizations transform their scheduling activities while significantly improving the efficiencies of their businesses, either for existing businesses who have switched over, or new organizations starting off for the first time.

Upon learning about this, I cannot help but see the potential for the EU Court of Justice to struggle if they fail to take the correct steps in implementing the correct language provider management software. They should really take a step back and do a complete and comprehensive analysis of their needs before taking any action. The implementation of a system like Interpreter Intelligence would prove to be greatly beneficial as they undertake this huge transition. If you’re interested in learning more about Interpreter Intelligence’s industry-leading Intelligence Scheduling System, we’d love to discuss how we can help you transform your business.

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