What is Video Remote Interpreting and what are the main benefits of it?

VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) is a service that uses web cameras/video phones to deliver sign language and spoken language interpretation services. This type of interpretation is generally sought after to communicate where the parties involved are at different locations and require a sign language interpretation promptly. The popularity of VRI is growing and in an emergency situation when an interpreter cannot make it to the hospital or court in time, VRI is the next best affordable alternative.

Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 2.58.27 PM.pngVRI can reduce costs dramatically. In nearly every scenario, when compared to an interpreter arriving in person, VRI is considerably cheaper. With lower costs and the consumer being given access almost instantly to an interpreter, VRI is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 3.14.19 PM.pngVRI allows to address the challenges of cultural sensitivities. Yes, a telephone interpretation can be very easy and casual, however, it does not take into consideration critical aspects such as body language, hand movements, and facial expressions. The risk of a misinterpretation is greatly increased when using audio only interpretation. Here is an example of such a case where a phone translator let to a mishap in a hospital, the doctor diagnosed him with a drug overdose when in fact he was suffering from a bleed in the brain. This misinterpretation resulted in the patient becoming a quadriplegic.

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With the level of everyday technology now present in personal electronics, you don’t have to go far to find a laptop with a built-in microphone and camera. Having instant access to certified interpreters at your fingertips is one of the many benefits of VRI. In the past having a camera built into a laptop was a rare occurrence, this meant VRI would have struggled, but now with everyday technology having such features as standard, the hospital or court can schedule a VRI appointment on-demand and the interpreter can make the VRI appointment from their own home within minutes!

VRI will change the way last minute appointments happen. Here at Interpreter Intelligence, we are developing a user-friendly software that can prove to be very beneficial to all parties involved. Our platform will take quality and easy usability into consideration as VRI scheduled appointments need the highest of quality as we understand the implications of a misinterpretation. If you’re interested in learning more about Interpreter Intelligence’s industry-leading Scheduling System or our VRI software in development we’d love to discuss how we can help you transform your business by contacting our support team.

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