How advances in technology are actually driving the demand for interpreters up and not down.

Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 12.24.50 PM.pngWith advances in technology, people would think that interpreter and translator jobs would be at jeopardy, but actually,  this is not the case. Globalisation today is bigger than it has ever been. The huge multinational companies such as Apple and Facebook for examples are making big steps in innovation, which in fact is creating more of a demand for interpreters. An article by has outlined an interesting point that the need for hyperlocalized content is ever more relevant than before. If a potential customer is looking for content unique to their language, and they can’t find it, all they have to do is navigate to another app or site and find the content they are looking for, so it is imperative that companies have accurate languages and translations in order to avoid the loss of traffic from their service/website.


Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 12.20.02 PM.pngWith such adverse consequences, any company would be foolish to trust an online translator application to convey their services in a different language. Not only can meanings get lost in translations, translator apps are unable to pick up on the cultural context. An interesting article by the BBC can show when translator apps are useful and when they are not. For the purpose of business situations, an experienced interpreter is required for the job to be done correctly.

Scheduling software has made leaps today for the placement of interpreters in business settings. Not only can companies contact agencies to schedule an interpreter, they can browse interpreters profiles, see their qualifications and availability and either bulk offer out a job to a list of chosen suitable candidates or specifically offer the job out to a particular interpreter.



Product update: Job exclusion from auto-offer.


screen-shot-2016-12-05-at-10-58-14We are excited to notify our clients of recent updates to Interpreter Intelligence!
New Feature – Job Exclusion from Auto-Offer

A new checkbox called “Exclude from Auto Offer” on the New Booking screen will allow you to exclude the job from auto-offer.

When this flag is checked, the job will not be picked up by auto-offer even if auto-offer is enabled on company and Customer level.

When a job is bulk-offered from the Manage Jobs page, this flag will be automatically checked to ensure the job is not included in subsequent auto-offerings.

This flag’s value will not be carried over when creating Duplicate, Follow Up and Recurring appointments. This flag can be updated in bulk for all recurring jobs within the same booking. For team appointments, the same value of the field will apply to all jobs in the same appointment.


  • Print or save a day’s log of jobs for a given date – click on the printer icon located on Dashboard – Diary page or on the Home – Manage Jobs page. The date will default to today, but you can make a different selection in the date field.
  • Offered Jobs view on the interpreter portal now has a column displaying the medium via which the offer was extended (e.g. email, text, or call).

Feel free to share this update with your team members and thank you for using Interpreter Intelligence!
If you have any questions, please contact us at

Best regards,
Interpreter Intelligence Team