Increases in efficiency for confirming appointments via SMS.

The ways in which mobile phones can be utilized have changed an astronomical amount in recent years. With massive advances in technology, this means the scope for SMS activity has dramatically increased. Managing interpreter schedules has now become a lot easier, with the ability for an interpreter to directly reply to an SMS offer, this will shorten the length of the confirmation process.
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Directly communicating with interpreters via SMS will save time and company resources. This feature provides benefit across many levels of the organization. From a scheduler’s point of view, the number of unfulfilled bookings is greatly reduced. As a result of this feature, these risks are reduced and reflect positively on the organization.

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With quicker paths of communication, this would lead to further benefit for the scheduler, the responses will come in as emails and the agency staff can then assign jobs or mark someone unavailable based on the response received. SMS offers and confirmations allow the scheduling staff to better utilize their time and this gives the interpreters more freedom to schedule their appointments. This convenience provided to both parties is a big pull factor to implement this feature.

Here at Interpreter Intelligence, we have incorporated this new feature to our product. As a prelude to allowing the interpreters to accept a job automatically via SMS, we have added support to forward any SMS replies to an email address of your choosing. We can configure this if / when you need it and it can forward the SMS to one or more emails of your choosing.

We hope you find this new feature useful should you decide to use it and don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions, issues or concerns at the support email address or by phone. Feel free to add any thoughts or comments you have below. We’d love to hear your feedback …


Our most recent product updates.

We hope that everyone had an amazing New Years.

Here are some of the newest features that were released in our recent product updates:

New Feature – Unfulfilled ReasonsScreen Shot 2017-01-03 at 2.59.14 PM.png

Similar to the cancellation process, marking a job as unfulfilled will now require selecting a reason. Once the update is published, you will find a new tab called Unfulfilled Reasons under Admin – Company set of tabs.

Please set up at least one unfulfilled reason on Company level to continue using the Can’t Fulfill action on jobs. The Unfulfilled Reason field will also be included in Booking, Client, and Unfulfilled exports.

Date Sorting on Manage Jobs Screen

Previously, the jobs on pages under Manage Jobs menu were sorted descending by date, thus the jobs furthest out are displaying at the top. Now, the default sort order will be ascending to the furthest in the future, with jobs for today displaying at the top.

The jobs with past dates will thus be excluded from the default view. A new option to Clear Dates will be available in the date range filter to view all jobs.

New Features on Assign Interpreter Page

1. You can now access the full list of job options from the cog on the Assign Interpreter page.

2. If there was an override entered on the job quote, the job will now be flagged on the Assign page.

3. The different types of notes are now showing in the Job Summary section and can be edited directly from this page.

4. The Consumer Name is also showing in the Job Summary section and can be edited directly from this page.

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We hope that these most recent product updates provide some benefit to you and your team members.

We are constantly striving to improve our software to optimize our customers’ use of its features. Please always feel free to leave us product improvement suggestions by contacting our support team.