How an online scheduling software can increase your organization’s efficiency.

One of the main reasons why an agency would adopt an interpreter scheduling software would be to increase their efficiency. Efficiency is crucial for saving time, money, increasing employee productivity and increase the quality of service you provide. Below are just 3 of the features that Interpreter Intelligence provides that can increase the level of efficiency in the organization that uses our scheduling software.

Provide staff members with their own user profile.

With each internal user having their own profile, they can login Screen Shot 2017-02-03 at 2.16.04 PM.pngusing their own credentials. From here they can create a booking, assign an interpreter to a job, manage and edit existing bookings already on the system if a booking needs to be altered.  This would result in the agency staff becoming more efficient with less time switching between booking calendars and contact lists, everything is in one place at their fingertips.

Easily Manage Bookings.Screen Shot 2017-02-06 at 1.51.05 PM.png

Manage all your bookings past, present and future from an easy to use, consistent interface. Quickly review those bookings that need any follow up. You can easily address any problems with future bookings before they escalate. Booking coordinators can quickly review the bookings under their management. Once there has been a significant change to a booking, all relevant people are automatically notified of the change, be it a change of location or time of the appointment.

Calculate travel time and mileage.

A big factor when choosing an interpreter is the distance they Screen Shot 2017-02-03 at 3.35.41 PM.pnghave to travel to get to the appointment location. With agencies who pay for mileage, this is crucial. An interpreter who is too far away will cost too much for the agency. Interpreter Intelligence calculates the distance an interpreter is from a booking and then displays that distance to the assign interpreter screen. An internal user from the company can set a radius to only find interpreters within a certain distance. This can have massive benefits for the agency by reducing the cost of travel while also saving the agency time as now the internal staff do not need to calculate each interpreter individually.

Using an online scheduling system like Interpreter Intelligence can have profound effects on your organization’s efficiency. In an article by, they go on to explain how the use of technology can maximize your organization’s efficiency and this couldn’t be more true. We are constantly striving to improve our software to optimize our customers’ use of its features. Please always feel free to leave us product improvement suggestions by contacting our support team.

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